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How to Prepare for Yale SOM’s Video Questions

As part of Yale School of Management’s application process, candidates are required to submit video entries on top of completing the application and essay questions. 

As Senior Expert Coach at Fortuna Admissions, working with countless Yale SOM applicants over the past 12 years, I see the videos as an excellent opportunity to bring your application to life and convey another dimension of your candidacy. 

The goal of Yale SOM’s video questions is to enable admissions staff to observe candidates more directly. The school initially introduced the videos as a replacement for an English language proficiency test (which is why they no longer require applicants to take the TOEFL, IELTS, or similar test). They now use the videos so that candidates have another mechanism to communicate their candidacy to the school. This is a really positive evolution in terms of giving candidates more scope to express themselves in the application process. Yale states that the questions you will be asked are not brainteasers or riddles; rather, they represent another medium to get to know you better. 

Once you have submitted your online application and paid the application fee, you will receive a link to answer three live questions to be submitted within five days of the application deadline. 

What are the Yale SOM Video Essay Questions?

The questions asked are similar to typical MBA or job interview questions and Yale suggests that you practice answering basic behavioral questions. In your answers, they are looking to assess your potential for leadership and your communication skills.

The first question is generally open-ended and is an introductory question about you. Often this question is related to why you want to get an MBA, why now, and/or why you are interested in the School of Management.  You will have 20 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to respond. 

Sample #1 Questions:

  • Why is this the right time for you to do an MBA? 
  • Why an MBA? 
  • What has motivated your decision to pursue an MBA at this time?


The second question is a behavioral question, similar to what you would be asked in a business school or job interview, which asks you to talk about a professional experience. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer and 90 seconds to respond.


Sample #2 Questions (behavioral questions):

  • How did you and your team overcome a big obstacle? How did you do it and what was the cause?
  • Tell us about a time when you had to maintain your calm. Describe the situation and how you handled it.
  • Describe a time when someone on your team was not doing their fair share of work. How did you handle it?


The third is typically a “thought” question. However, for the 2023-2024 cycle, it seems the themes were commonly related to the arts. Whereas in previous years the questions offered a statement followed by asking whether you agree or disagree with something, and why. You will have 20 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to respond.


Sample #3 Questions (thought questions):

Candidate Questions from 2023-2024

  • New Haven is the first planned town. What architectural designs or planning do you like about your hometown or region?
  • The New Haven Theater is one of the oldest theaters in the United States. Please name a piece of entertainment – theatre, film, or music – which has had the most significant impact on you and why.
  • Yale School of Drama has produced many world-renowned artists (e.g. Meryl Streep). Which artist do you admire most and why?


Candidate Questions from previous years:

  • Spread of public misinformation in healthcare can be detrimental to public policies being implemented. Agree/disagree? Why?
  • Do you think the private sector is more important in making global changes than the government and non-profits?
  • Some people say that technology has made it more critical for organizations to think about the point of view of their competitors. Do you agree?


The questions will not be the same for all applicants. The school has a data bank with hundreds of questions that are randomly assigned to applicants. Please also be aware that a new ‘theme’ may pop up for the 2024-2025 cycle questions that we aren’t aware of just yet! 


Additional Yale SOM Video Interview Tips

In addition, the general “rules” of video presentation apply – make sure you have good lighting, excellent sound quality, and a background free of clutter or distractions.  Focus on the camera and include interesting visuals if appropriate.  Fortuna’s Caroline Diarte Edwards, the former Director of Admissions at INSEAD, offers great advice on how to ace the MBA video essay, including tips on setup and presentation.

There are no right or wrong answers to the Yale video questions. Yale’s intention is simply to offer applicants a different medium to interact with the school and offer an interactive way to bring your candidacy to life.

Keep in mind that Yale will be evaluating your presence (oral communication skills + non-verbal cues), confidence and English language fluency. They may also pick up clues to your personality, values, background, motivations, intelligence, and if you have a solid grasp of SOM’s culture, values, and programs. 

Practice, practice, practice – timed and out loud! The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel doing the video and the more you will be able to present your answers in the 60-90 seconds they provide. You are given an unlimited number of practice sessions through the Kira Talent platform so use it to get comfortable with the video interview format. And finally, be yourself, smile and have some fun with it!


Get Feedback from Admissions Insiders

Make the most of your MBA video interview practice with advice from Fortuna experts. You can book prep sessions with us for MBA video interviews or for in person interviews and we’ll walk you through the process and help you prepare for this high stake’s element of the application process. Or book a broader package and we’ll help you make sure your video or interview aligns with every element of your application. Book a free 30-minute consultation to learn more about how we can tailor services to your needs!

Melissa Jones is an expert coach at Fortuna Admissions and former assistant director of the INSEAD MBA program. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for a free consultation.

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