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INSEAD MBA Video Interview Questions: Tips and Strategy

INSEAD MBA Video Interview Questions

The INSEAD’s full-time MBA application requires candidates to submit a video as part of their application process. Applicants must answer four random questions in a very short, timed session. These videos, submitted via the Kira interview platform, give the Admissions Committee a fresh, unfiltered sample of your communication style and skills and a chance to learn more about you and understand you better as an individual. 

One of the reasons they introduced this exercise a few years back was because INSEAD interviews are conducted exclusively by alumni, and the school’s admissions staff rarely interact in person with candidates. So, these videos are a wonderful mechanism for the team to get a glimpse of the authentic individual behind the written application. 

As the former Assistant Director at INSEAD, I see the videos as an excellent opportunity to bring your application to life and convey another dimension of your candidacy. And indeed I have heard from my former colleagues in the INSEAD admissions team that they can learn a lot about a candidate in these brief four minutes of recordings.

How Does the School Use These Videos in the Evaluation Process? 

Through INSEAD’s MBA video interview questions, the committee aims to evaluate your confidence, language skills, communication style, ability to think quickly and how well you structure your responses. Additionally, they are interested in the quality of your content and will consider cultural differences carefully. The school understands that this is a challenging exercise and does not expect candidates to deliver a flawless performance. 

How Does the Kira Interview Process Work?

The INSEAD video link is available after you submit your application (within an hour). The link is displayed on your online dashboard and is also sent via email.

Candidates must complete the video anytime between receiving the video link and 48 hours after the MBA application deadline. 

After each question is presented to you on the screen, you will have just 45 seconds to prepare your answer, then 60 seconds to record your answer.

You will have the opportunity to practice an unlimited number of times on the Kira interview platform, and I highly recommend taking advantage of this! Every time you login to practice, sample questions are provided (these change every time). 

How To Prepare for INSEAD’s MBA Video Interview Questions

There is no way of knowing your question in advance. So, you should prepare for a range of topics, as you would for any interview. However, having worked with countless INSEAD candidates, I’ve collected the questions they have been asked and they fall into the categories listed below. For each, I have shared  a small selection of sample questions that have been asked to previous candidates. (Note that one question out of your four is always asked around the theme of cultural awareness and diversity.)

INSEAD MBA Video Question Categories and Samples

INSEAD Specific

  • What do you envision your first day at INSEAD to look like?
  • What are the 3 key characteristics that motivated you to apply to INSEAD?

Personal/Thought Provoking 

  • How important is it to have a meaningful life today and tomorrow?
  • What motivates you the most?

Challenging Situations/Setbacks

  • Describe a time where you received negative feedback. How did you react?
  • Describe a time where you had a professional or academic failure; how did you deal with it?

Career Related

  • What makes you look forward to your day at work?
  • What was the most difficult decision you’ve had to make in your professional career so far, and why? 


  • What are the values you exhibit as a leader? Give examples.
  • What type of leader are you?


  • A team member has a tendency to monopolize discussions. How would you address this?
  • How would you approach a discussion with a team member in a group project who isn’t pulling their weight?

Accomplishments/Successful Projects

  • Tell us about a time you solved a problem creatively.
  • What is the project you’ve worked on that has required the most imagination/inventiveness?

Cultural Awareness/Diversity 

  • How does your cultural identity make you unique? How do you deal with people from a different cultural background?
  • Has interacting with people from different cultures made you feel closer or further away from your own? Please elaborate.

Business Related

  • Do companies have social and environmental responsibilities? If so, what should they be doing?
  • In your opinion, what sectors (or profession) would benefit most from artificial intelligence?

Considering the vast number of topics that can be covered, the best thing you can do is practice, practice, practice – timed and out loud! You can do this on your own by recording yourself and watching the video, or with a friend or admissions coach. And you definitely want to practice on the Kira interview platform once you have access. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel doing the video and the more you will be able to present your answers in the 60 seconds they provide.


Additional Video Tips

While you’re focusing on the content of what you might say during your INSEAD MBA video interview questions, don’t forget to prepare to follow the basic rules of effective video presentation. Make sure you have good lighting, excellent sound quality, and a background free of clutter or distractions. Focus on the camera and include interesting visuals if appropriate. Fortuna’s Caroline Diarte Edwards, the former Director of Admissions at INSEAD, offers great advice on how to ace the MBA video essay, including tips on setup and presentation. 

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers to the INSEAD video interview questions. INSEAD’s intention is simply to offer applicants a different medium to interact with the school. It’s an opportunity for you to present yourself more directly to the admissions team since they won’t get to meet you during the application process. They are looking for authenticity, to get a sense of who you are and to see whether you would be a good fit for the vibrant INSEAD community and culture. 

And of course, be yourself, smile and have some fun with it!

If you are preparing for the INSEAD video questions, my colleagues and I would be delighted to help you. Reach out now for a free 30-minute consultation to learn more about how we can guide you through this high stakes element of the application process and help you put your best foot forward on the day. 



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