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3 Tips for Perfecting Your MBA Application

There are a number of steps you can take to perfect your MBA application, and, based on our years of experience in admissions, we’d like to pass on a few tips:
1. Don’t wait until the last minute to work on your online personal data form.
The forms may seem like an easy, even tedious requirement, but they’re strategically important so invest time in them. From our experience, we know that the admissions office spends significant time reviewing these forms. You want to make sure that you’ve done everything possible to showcase your background within the constraints of the form, as well as ensuring the data you present is complete and exact.
2. Be consistent.
Wording from your resume can be repeated in your personal data on the school application, and it’s advisable to be consistent with your language. Don’t attempt to create new descriptions of your work experience in the online form. Admissions officers can tell pretty quickly if the applicant has taken the time to ensure that the information presented is coherent across the application, including the online form, essays, resume, and letters of recommendation.
3. Proofread. Proofread backwards, take a break, and proofread again.
It may seem impossible, but applicants regularly forget to change the name of the school that they’re applying to (after all, spell checks can tell you if you have misspelled HBS, but not alert you if you’re actually applying to Wharton!). A good way to avoid mistakes is to read the documents backwards; it will force your eye to look at each word one at a time, and not fill in missing letters or words inadvertently. It’ll also draw your attention to any mistakes in word choice or school name! Don`t do this final proof the night before the application is due. You’ll want to submit a day in advance to give yourself a cushion, and proofing under pressure is not advisable.
There are lots of other tips we can advise you on such as your recommenders, communicating your career vision, and conducting school research. Contact us for further insights into how to strengthen your application in this competitive admissions environment.

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