Hourly Rates

Our expertise, for as little or as long as you need

Hourly MBA Coaching

Looking for a few hours of expert input? Fortuna Admissions provides MBA coaching on an hourly basis to help you focus on specific areas of the MBA admissions process. This could be, for example:

√ Strategic Positioning
√ Resume Review
√ Recommendation Strategy and Review
√ Essay Review(s)
√ Application Form Review(s)
√ Interview Prep
√ Video Prep

We’ll work with you to develop a package of services tailored to your needs and with a specific time budget (see example below). Our minimum booking is 3 hours, and if you book 10 or more hours of MBA coaching you will receive a 5% discount.*

To find out about availability and rates for one of our Directors, please sign up for a free consultation.

A typical hourly option is a 10-hour package; we will tailor the MBA coaching package to your needs, but here is a sample plan and time budget:

  • Strategy Phase - 2.5 hours:
    You complete Fortuna’s Strategy Questionnaire Form to provide your coach with full background information about your professional, academic and extra-curricular achievements. The goal is to give your coach a complete download of your achievements, setbacks, passions, perspectives, career goals, potential areas requiring explanation in your application and wider areas of personal interest. This deep dive into your profile will help you and your coach develop the strategic positioning of your candidacy. 
    You and your coach will have a virtual meeting to brainstorm and thrash out the strategic positioning of your candidacy. Your coach will also work with you to determine key messages and a plan of attack for your essays. Your coach will also advise you on mitigating any weaknesses, if relevant, and agree a timeline for your application development.

    Recommender Strategy and Briefing Document Review – 1. 5 hours:
    ✔ Your coach will advise you on recommender choice and then help you prepare them to write an impactful letter on your behalf. We'll provide you with the guidance and tools on how to develop a ‘recommender briefing document’, providing your recommenders with as much information as possible to ensure an easier and smooth process. Our goal is to make sure that the letters will significantly boost your application, capture the attention of the admissions committee and complement how you are presenting your candidacy in the other elements of your application.

  • Essay Reviews – 4 hours:

    ✔ Based on the strategic positioning and brainstormed ideas already established, you’ll receive feedback on your first essay draft; your coach will provide input on content, flow, structure, and style, with clear direction for subsequent rewrites. This iterative process continues (within the time limit) until your essays reflect the best possible presentation of your candidacy and until you are both confident that your essays express clearly what is unique and compelling about your story.

    Resume Review – 1 hour:
    ✔ Your coach will guide you on how to maintain a coherent narrative, and coach you on how to showcase compelling quantifiable examples of skills and levels of responsibility, results achieved, leadership, team building, analytics, persuasiveness, etc.

    Application Form Review – 1 hour:

    ✔ Every word in your application is important and the application form itself is no exception, as it provides the admissions committee with essential information about your background, family history, academic and professional background as well as extra-curriculars. Your coach will scrutinize every detail to ensure that your messaging is consistent and presentation on target.

You may choose to split your MBA coaching payments for bookings of 3 hours or more into interest free monthly installments with our financing partner Splitit. Find out more.

For the highest impact, learn more about our Comprehensive MBA Packages, Fortuna's most popular services that take you through the entire application process.

*to receive discount, 10 hours must be purchased in one transaction.

For related tips & advice, view our articles & video blogs:

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