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How to Get a Perfect GMAT Score

Achieving a perfect 805 score on the GMAT Focus Edition is a lofty goal. While it might seem like an impossible feat, test experts I’ve talked to assure me that landing a perfect GMAT score is indeed within reach.

Will getting the highest possible score on the GMAT score significantly boost your MBA application? Not necessarily. Scores are an important indicator of a candidate’s ability to master the MBA curriculum, but it’s just one factor among many influencing admissions. It’s likely that business school admissions committees don’t perceive an 805 GMAT score much differently from a 775 or 785, which also fall in the 100th percentile.

Nevertheless, the strategies you employ to pursue a perfect GMAT score will undoubtedly lead to a high score, even if you don’t hit the 805 mark. Applying the techniques we’ll discuss here could help you achieve scores like 685, 735 or 750, placing you in top percentiles — still a remarkable achievement.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • The elements of a perfect 805 GMAT score
  • Strategies for achieving an 805 GMAT Score
  • Effective GMAT preparation methods
  • Strategies for tackling any GMAT question
  • Striving for 100% accuracy
  • Prioritizing your well-being

Elements of a Perfect GMAT Score

The GMAT Focus Edition, launched in November 2023, offers scores ranging from 205 to 805. It comprises three sections: Quantitative, Verbal, and Data Insights (DI). Each section has a maximum score of 90. Your overall score reflects your performance across all three sections.

Obviously, to nail a perfect score of 90 in each section, you must correctly answer each of the questions that count toward the score — and then replicate that feat in the other two areas. Simple, right? It’s challenging, to say the least. The Graduate Management Admissions Council reports that fewer than 50 out of over 200,000 test-takers achieved a perfect 800 on the previous GMAT version annually.

However, with dedicated study, structured practice, and the right mindset, attaining the max GMAT score is within the realm of possibility.

Strategies for Achieving an 805 GMAT Score

A crucial step towards acing the GMAT is believing that a perfect score is attainable. When you begin your GMAT preparation, the idea of scoring 805 might seem far-fetched. However, this skeptical mindset can hinder your progress.  You can’t succeed if you are attempting something you believe is nearly impossible.

To aim for a perfect GMAT score of 805 or close, you need to adopt a positive attitude and a success mindset. Remember, over time, many test-takers have aced either the quantitative or verbal sections. If they can do it, so can you. And if you can nail one section, you’re capable of mastering the others too. 

Developing a success-oriented mindset involves embracing a growth mentality. This means believing that your abilities aren’t set in stone. You can improve your quant and verbal skills with practice. 

For GMAT prep, a growth mindset means if you’re strong in one area but weak in another, you can level up your skills across the board. Even if you feel shaky in both quant and verbal, you can enhance your abilities in both. Understanding that you can grow and improve your skills allows you to approach your test prep with purpose and confidence.

However, mindset alone won’t guarantee your best score on the GMAT.  You’ll need an effective preparation strategy.

Effective GMAT Test Prep Techniques

Whether you’re shooting for a perfect 805 GMAT score or aiming for the top 90th percentile, the most effective prep method is to master one topic at a time. This involves learning the concepts thoroughly and then practicing dozens of questions on that topic until you consistently get them right. Once you’ve mastered one area, move on to the next and repeat the process. This approach helps you gradually conquer the entire GMAT.

For instance, if you’re focusing on probability questions, start by understanding basic concepts such as independent vs. dependent events and how to tie together multiple events with AND and OR. Practice with simple problems involving dice or cards to grasp these concepts fully. Gradually, move on to more complex scenarios involving conditional probability and combinatorics. Continue solving varied problems until you can confidently apply these principles in any context. Once you reach this level, you’ll be able to tackle any probability question with ease and accuracy.

This GMAT prep method works because you learn a basic idea, and then apply it in various situations of growing difficulty. The concept becomes foundational knowledge you can use to answer similar questions — and build on as you grow your competency in related topic areas.

Finding Paths to the Answer

 Your goal is to get every question right, so you can’t just guess and move on. Instead, in your test prep, you need to develop the skill of finding ways to solve each GMAT question. 

At first, this comes down to determination. Don’t check the answer until you come up with your own solution. No matter how stuck you are, how long it takes, or what methods you try, keep working until you reach an answer.

When you push through to an answer like this, you’re learning more than just math or verbal skills. You’re teaching yourself to find solutions and training to win every question. You’ll learn from each attempt. Over time, the struggle will lessen, and you’ll find answers faster—that’s the goal.

Practicing for 100% Accuracy

Your aim is to get every question right, and this also requires training and practice. Just like an elite athlete studies video recordings to spot flaws in her performance, the best way to achieve perfect accuracy in each section is to study your mistakes. On practice tests, review your mistakes carefully to spot misunderstandings and strengthen your grasp of the concept.

Don’t just review your errors with the content. Think about what else led you astray. Did you misread the question? Did you rush because you thought you understood it? Did you forget to consider part of the question?

Analyzing your errors helps build mental habits that let you tackle each question carefully and consistently every time. That’s the key to accurate answers from start to finish.

Take Care of Your Health and Well-being

You need to be rested and ready on GMAT test day. For all the effort and anxiety you put into your GMAT study, test prep experts tell me that one of the biggest things you can do to achieve your best score on the GMAT is to get enough sleep. However, for many, the worry about taking the exam and the stress of fitting test prep into a busy schedule can take a toll — on your body, mind, and test scores.

Remember, aiming for the maximum GMAT score requires more than just studying. It involves a holistic approach that includes maintaining your physical and mental health. Don’t underestimate the importance of eating well, exercising, and plenty of sleep. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges of the GMAT and perform at your best on test day.

Prioritizing your emotional well-being is key for GMAT success. Take regular breaks and find time to unwind during your prep. These practices are vital for maintaining focus and cognitive function. Even test-takers with strong skills can falter if stress takes over. Remember, a perfect GMAT score requires more than just knowledge—it demands a balanced approach to preparation.


Want more advice?

To learn more about why the GMAT matters to top MBA programs and how to prepare, read our related articles:

Want to discuss your test prep strategy in more detail? Sign up for a free consultation with Fortuna.



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